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Application Quality Deployment Guide⚓︎

The Application Quality Building Block supports the evolution of scientific algorithms from research projects to production environments. It provides tools for verifying non-functional requirements, including code quality, adherence to best practices, and performance optimisation through testing.

Table of Contents⚓︎

  1. Introduction
  2. Prerequisites
  3. Deployment Steps
  4. Validation
  5. Uninstallation
  6. Further Reading


The Application Quality BB delivers a set of services that can be used in automated pipelines linked to the source and runtime resources of processing workflow developments. It includes:

  • Development Best Practice: Analysis of source code and repositories for code quality and adherence to best practices.
  • Application Quality Tooling: Tools that complement development best practices, such as vulnerability scanning.
  • Application Performance: Tools supporting performance testing and optimisation of processing workflows.

Key Features⚓︎

  • Code Analysis: Static code analysis to identify errors, complexity, maintainability issues, and known vulnerabilities.
  • Best Practices Enforcement: Checks for adherence to best practices for reproducible open science.
  • Performance Testing: Test environments for executing workflows and collecting performance metrics.
  • Automation Support: Supports automated pipelines triggered via the Notification & Automation BB.
  • Web Portal: Provides a web-enabled UI for interactive access to all capabilities.


Before deploying the Application Quality Building Block, ensure you have the following:

Component Requirement Documentation Link
Kubernetes Cluster (tested on v1.28) Installation Guide
Helm Version 3.5 or newer Installation Guide
kubectl Configured for cluster access Installation Guide
Ingress Properly installed Ingress Controllers
TLS Certificates Managed via cert-manager or manually TLS Certificate Management Guide

Clone the Deployment Guide Repository:

git clone -b 2.0-alpha
cd deployment-guide/scripts/application-quality

Validate your environment:

Run the validation script to ensure all prerequisites are met:


Deployment Steps⚓︎

1. Run the Configuration Script⚓︎

The configuration script will prompt you for necessary configuration values, generate any required secrets, and create configuration files for the Application Quality deployment.


Configuration Parameters

During the script execution, you will be prompted to provide:

  • INGRESS_HOST: Base domain for ingress hosts.
  • Example:
  • CLUSTER_ISSUER: Cert-manager Cluster Issuer for TLS certificates.
  • Example: letsencrypt-prod
  • STORAGE_CLASS: Storage class for persistent volumes.
  • Example: managed-nfs-storage-retain

2. Deploy Application Quality Using Helm⚓︎

Deploy the Application Quality Building Block using the Helm chart and the generated configuration file.

git clone reference-repo

helm install application-quality reference-repo/helm/ \
  --namespace application-quality \
  --create-namespace \
  --values generated-values.yaml


Automated Validation:


Further Validation:

  1. Check Kubernetes Resources:
kubectl get all -n application-quality
  1. Access Application Quality Web Interface:

Open a web browser and navigate to: https://application-quality.<your-ingress-host>/

  1. Test Application Functionality:

Verify that the Application Quality services are operational by performing test actions through the web interface.


To uninstall the Application Quality Building Block and clean up associated resources:

helm uninstall application-quality -n application-quality

Additional Cleanup:

  • Delete any Persistent Volume Claims (PVCs) if used:
kubectl delete pvc --all -n application-quality
  • Delete the namespace if desired:
kubectl delete namespace application-quality

Further Reading⚓︎