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Processing - OGC API Processes Engine⚓︎


The OGC API Processes Engine provides an OGC API Processes execution engine through which users can deploy, manage, and execute OGC Application Packages. The OAPIP engine is provided by the ZOO-Project zoo-project-dru implementation - supporting OGC WPS 1.0.0/2.0.0 and OGC API Processes Parts 1 & 2.

  • Standardised Interfaces: Implements OGC API Processes standards for interoperability.
  • Application Deployment: Supports deployment, replacement, and undeployment of applications.
  • Execution Engine: Executes applications using Kubernetes and Calrissian for CWL workflows.


Before deploying the OGC API Processes Engine, ensure you have the following:

Component Requirement Documentation Link
Kubernetes Cluster (tested on v1.28) Installation Guide
Helm Version 3.5 or newer Installation Guide
kubectl Configured for cluster access Installation Guide
Ingress Properly installed Installation Guide
TLS Certificates Managed via cert-manager or manually TLS Certificate Management Guide
Stage-In S3 Accessible MinIO Deployment Guide
Stage-Out S3 Accessible MinIO Deployment Guide

Clone the Deployment Guide Repository:

git clone
cd deployment-guide/scripts/processing/oapip

Validate your environment:

Run the validation script to ensure all prerequisites are met:



Run the Configuration Script⚓︎


Configuration Parameters

  • INGRESS_HOST: Base domain for ingress hosts.
    • Example:
  • CLUSTER_ISSUER (if using cert-manager): Name of the ClusterIssuer.
    • Example: letsencrypt-http01-apisix
  • STORAGE_CLASS: Storage class for persistent volumes.
    • Example: standard
  • NODE_SELECTOR_KEY: Determine which nodes will run the processing workflows.
  • NODE_SELECTOR_VALUE: Value for the node selector key.
    • Example: linux

Stage-Out S3 Configuration:

Before proceeding, ensure you have an S3-compatible object store set up. If not, refer to the MinIO Deployment Guide. These values should already be in your EOEPCA+ state file if you followed the main deployment steps.

  • S3_ENDPOINT, S3_ACCESS_KEY, S3_SECRET_KEY, S3_REGION: Credentials and location details for the S3 bucket used as Stage-Out storage.

Stage-In S3 Configuration:

If your Stage-In storage differs from Stage-Out (e.g., data hosted externally), specify these separately:


OIDC Configuration:

You will be prompted to provide whether you wish to enable OIDC authentication. If you choose to enable OIDC, ensure that you follow the steps in the OIDC Configuration section after deployment.

When prompted for the Client ID we recommend setting it to oapip-engine.

For instructions on how to set up IAM, you can follow the IAM Building Block guide.

Deploy the OAPIP Engine⚓︎

Deploy the Helm Chart⚓︎

helm repo add zoo-project
helm repo update zoo-project
helm upgrade -i zoo-project-dru zoo-project/zoo-project-dru \
  --version 0.3.22 \
  --values generated-values.yaml \
  --namespace processing \

Optional: Enable OIDC with Keycloak⚓︎

If you do not wish to use OIDC/IAM right now, you can skip these steps and proceed directly to the Validation section.

If you do want to protect OAPIP endpoints with IAM policies (i.e. require Keycloak tokens, limit access by groups/roles, etc.) and you enabled OIDC in the configuration script then follow these steps. You will create a new client in Keycloak for the OAPIP engine and optionally define resource-protection rules (e.g. restricting who can list jobs).

Before starting this please ensure that you have followed our IAM Deployment Guide and have a Keycloak instance running.

2.1 Create a Keycloak Client⚓︎

Use the script in the /scripts/utils/ directory. This script prompts you for basic details and automatically creates a Keycloak client in your chosen realm:

bash ../../utils/

When prompted:

  • Keycloak Admin Username and Password: Enter the credentials of your Keycloak admin user (these are also in ~/.eoepca/state if you have them set).
  • Keycloak base domain: e.g.
  • Realm: Typically eoepca.

  • Client ID: For the OAPIP engine, you should use oapip-engine.

  • Client name and description: Provide any helpful text (e.g. OAPIP Engine Client).
  • Client secret: Enter the OAPIP Client Secret that was generated during the configuration script (check ~/.eoepca/state).
  • Subdomain: Use zoo for the OAPIP engine.
  • Additional Subdomains: Leave blank.

After it completes, you should see a JSON snippet confirming the newly created client.

2.2 Define Resource Protection⚓︎

By default, once the OAPIP engine is connected to Keycloak, it can accept OIDC tokens. If you want to restrict or fine-tune access to certain endpoints (like /ogc-api/jobs/).

Before protecting the resource, please ensure that you have a user in Keycloak other than the admin user. If you don’t have a user, you can create one using:

bash ../../utils/

Protect the user’s zoo context⚓︎

Zoo uses a path prefix to establish a context within the processing service - such as /<username> or /<project>.

Protection can be applied so that the context is accessible only by the owning user(s).

For the purposes of this example we will assume the user eoepcauser - adjust for your own purposes.

  1. Use the
bash ../../utils/

When prompted (adjust values for your needs):

  • Client ID: oapip-engine (the client you created in the previous step)
  • Username: e.g. eoepcauser
  • Display Name: eoepcauser
  • Resource Type: urn:oapip-engine:resources:default
  • Resource URI: /eoepcauser/*

2.3 Create APISIX Route Ingress⚓︎

Apply the APISIX route ingress:

kubectl apply -f generated-ingress.yaml

2.4 Confirm Protection⚓︎

With the resource and permission created, attempts to access the protected endpoint (/eoepcauser/*) without a valid token or with insufficient privileges should be denied. You can test it by:


If this script shows 401 Authorization errors when the request is made with a token, then there must be an issue with the token or the resource protection configuration.

For more detailed Keycloak testing (device flow, tokens, etc.), refer to Resource Protection with Keycloak Policies.


Automated Validation⚓︎

This script performs a series of automated tests to validate the deployment.


Web Endpoints⚓︎

Check access to the service web endpoints:

  • ZOO-Project Swagger UI - https://zoo.${INGRESS_HOST}/swagger-ui/oapip/
  • OGC API Processes Landing Page - https://zoo.${INGRESS_HOST}/ogc-api/processes/

Expected Kubernetes Resources⚓︎

Ensure that all Kubernetes resources are running correctly.

kubectl get pods -n processing

Expected Output:

  • All pods should be in the Running state.
  • No pods should be in CrashLoopBackOff or Error states.

Via OGC API Processes⚓︎

Validate the operation of the zoo service via its OGC API Processes interfaces.

We offer a sample application that can be used to exercise the deployed service:

  • convert - a very simple ‘hello world’ application that is quick to run, with low resource requirements, that can be used as a smoke test to validate the deployment

Using the API⚓︎

Initialise Environment⚓︎

The following example commands assume use of bash shell.

bash -l

Initialise environment variables used by the example commands.

source ~/.eoepca/state
echo ${OAPIP_HOST}

If you have OIDC enabled, run the to generate a valid OIDC token that will be temporarily stored in your environment variables.

This will ask you for the username and password for the user you added to the group to generate an access token.


NOTE that the token is short-lived - so it may be necessary to repeat this step to refresh the token - in the case that the following commands fail unexpectedly

List Processes⚓︎

Retrieve the list of available (currently deployed) processes.

curl --silent --show-error \
  -X GET "${OAPIP_HOST}/${OAPIP_USER}/ogc-api/processes" \
  -H "Accept: application/json" 

This command will omit the Authorization header if OIDC is not enabled. If you have OIDC enabled, and it is failing, please ensure you have run the source script to generate the OAPIP_AUTH_HEADER variable.

Deploy Process convert⚓︎

Deploy the convert app…

curl --silent --show-error \
  -X POST "${OAPIP_HOST}/${OAPIP_USER}/ogc-api/processes" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -H "Accept: application/json" \
  -d @- <<EOF | jq
  "executionUnit": {
    "href": "",
    "type": "application/cwl"

Check the convert application is deployed…

curl --silent --show-error \
  -X GET "${OAPIP_HOST}/${OAPIP_USER}/ogc-api/processes/convert-url" \
  -H "Accept: application/json" | jq

Execute Process convert⚓︎

  curl --silent --show-error \
    -X POST "${OAPIP_HOST}/${OAPIP_USER}/ogc-api/processes/convert-url/execution" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -H "Accept: application/json" \
    -H "Prefer: respond-async" \
    -d @- <<EOF | jq -r '.jobID'
    "inputs": {
      "fn": "resize",
      "url":  "",
      "size": "50%"

echo "JOB ID: ${JOB_ID}"

Check Execution Status⚓︎

The JOB ID is used to monitor the progress of the job execution - most notably the status field that indicates whether the job is in-progress (running), or its completion status (successful / failed). Note that the full URL for job monitoring is also returned in the Location header of the http response to the execution request.

curl --silent --show-error \
  -X GET "${OAPIP_HOST}/${OAPIP_USER}/ogc-api/jobs/${JOB_ID}" \
  -H "Accept: application/json" | jq

Check Execution Results⚓︎

Similarly, once the job is completed successfully, then details of the results (outputs) can be retrieved.

curl --silent --show-error \
  -X GET "${OAPIP_HOST}/${OAPIP_USER}/ogc-api/jobs/${JOB_ID}/results" \
  -H "Accept: application/json" | jq

Undeploy Process convert⚓︎

curl --silent --show-error \
  -X DELETE "${OAPIP_HOST}/${OAPIP_USER}/ogc-api/processes/convert-url" \
  -H "Accept: application/json" | jq


To remove the Processing Building Block from your cluster:

helm -n processing uninstall zoo-project-dru
kubectl delete ns processing

Additional Cleanup⚓︎

  • Delete Persistent Volume Claims (PVCs):
kubectl -n processing delete pvc -l

Further Reading⚓︎


If you have any issues or suggestions, please open an issue on the EOEPCA+Deployment Guide GitHub Repository.