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Processing - OGC API Processes Engine⚓︎

The Processing Building Block provides deployment and execution of user-defined processing workflows within the EOEPCA+ platform - with support for OGC API Processes, OGC Application Packages and openEO. The Processing BB is deployed in the form of a number of Processing Engine variants that implements different workflow approaches:

  • OGC API Processes Engine
    The OGC API Processes Engine provides an OGC API Processes execution engine through which users can deploy, manage, and execute OGC Application Packages. The OAPIP engine is provided by the ZOO-Project zoo-project-dru implementation - supporting OGC WPS 1.0.0/2.0.0 and OGC API Processes Parts 1 & 2.
  • openEO Engine
    The openEO engine provides an API that allows users to connect to Earth observation cloud back-ends in a simple and unified way. The openEO engine is provided by the OpenEO Geopyspark Driver.