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Resource Registration Deployment Guide⚓︎

The Resource Registration Building Block enables data and metadata ingestion into platform services. It handles:

  • Metadata registration into Resource Discovery
  • Data registration into Data Access services
  • Resource visualisation configuration


The Resource Registration Building Block manages resource ingestion into the platform for discovery, access and collaboration. It supports:

  • Datasets (EO data, auxiliary data)
  • Processing workflows
  • Jupyter Notebooks
  • Web services and applications
  • Documentation and metadata

The BB integrates with other platform services to enable:

  • Automated metadata extraction
  • Resource discovery indexing
  • Access control configuration
  • Usage tracking

Components Overview⚓︎

The Resource Registration BB comprises three main components:

  1. Registration API
    An OGC API Processes interface for registering, updating, or deleting resources on the local platform.

  2. Harvester
    Automates workflows (via Flowable BPMN) to harvest data from external sources and register them in the platform.

  3. Common Registration Library
    A Python library consolidating upstream packages (e.g. STAC tools, eometa tools) for business logic in workflows and resource handling.


Before deploying the Resource Registration Building Block, ensure you have the following:

Component Requirement Documentation Link
Kubernetes Cluster (tested on v1.28) Installation Guide
Helm Version 3.7 or newer Installation Guide
kubectl Configured for cluster access Installation Guide
TLS Certificates Managed via cert-manager or manually TLS Certificate Management Guide
Ingress Controller Properly installed (e.g., NGINX) Installation Guide

Clone the Deployment Guide Repository:

git clone
cd deployment-guide/scripts/resource-registration

Validate your environment:

Run the validation script to ensure all prerequisites are met:


Deployment Steps⚓︎

1. Run the Configuration Script⚓︎

Generate configuration files and prepare deployment:


Configuration Parameters

During the script execution, you will be prompted to provide:

  • INGRESS_HOST: Base domain for ingress hosts.
    • Example:
  • CLUSTER_ISSUER: Cert-Manager ClusterIssuer for TLS certificates.
    • Example: letsencrypt-http01-apisix
  • FLOWABLE_ADMIN_USER: Admin username for Flowable.
    • Default: eoepca
  • FLOWABLE_ADMIN_PASSWORD: Admin password for Flowable.
    • Default: eoepca

2. Apply Kubernetes Secrets⚓︎

Create required secrets:


Secrets Created:

  • flowable-admin-credentials / registration-harvester-secret:
    Contains Flowable admin username and password

3. Deploy the Registration API Using Helm⚓︎

Deploy the Registration API using the generated values file.

helm repo add eoepca-dev
helm repo update eoepca-dev
helm upgrade -i registration-api eoepca-dev/registration-api \
  --version 2.0.0-beta2 \
  --namespace resource-registration \
  --create-namespace \
  --values registration-api/generated-values.yaml

Deploy the ingress for the Registration API:

kubectl apply -f registration-api/generated-ingress.yaml

4. Deploy the Registration Harvester Using Helm⚓︎

Deploy Flowable Engine:

helm repo add flowable
helm repo update flowable
helm upgrade -i registration-harvester-api-engine flowable/flowable \
  --version 7.0.0 \
  --namespace resource-registration \
  --create-namespace \
  --values registration-harvester/generated-values.yaml

Deploy the ingress for the Flowable Engine:

kubectl apply -f registration-harvester/generated-ingress.yaml

Deploy Registration Harvester Worker:

By way of example, a worker is deployed that harvests Landast data from USGS.

helm repo add eoepca-dev
helm repo update eoepca-dev
helm upgrade -i registration-harvester-worker eoepca-dev/registration-harvester \
  --version 2.0.0-beta2 \
  --namespace resource-registration \
  --create-namespace \
  --values registration-harvester/generated-values.yaml

5. Monitor the Deployment⚓︎

Check the status of the deployments:

kubectl get all -n resource-registration

Validation and Usage⚓︎

Automated Validation:

This script performs a series of automated tests to validate the deployment.


Registration API Home:

This page provides basic information about the Registration API.


Swagger UI Documentation:

Interactive API documentation allowing you to explore and test the Registration API endpoints.


Flowable REST API Swagger UI:

Provides Swagger UI documentation for the Flowable REST API.



  • You can use xdg-open to open these URLs in your default browser after setting the INGRESS_HOST variable (source ~/.eoepca/state)

Testing a Simple Hello-World Process⚓︎

source ~/.eoepca/state
curl -X POST "https://registration-api.${INGRESS_HOST}/processes/hello-world/execution" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
   "inputs": {
      "name": "Resource Registration Validation Tester",
      "message": "This confirms that the Registration API is working correctly."

Registering Resources⚓︎

Resource Registration relies on an OGC API Processes interface. To register a resource, send a POST request with a JSON payload to:


A typical JSON request body might look like:

  "inputs": {
    "type": "...",         // e.g. "dataset", "item" etc.
    "source": "...",       // URL to the resource's current location (e.g. Git repo, S3 bucket, etc.)
    "target": "..."        // Endpoint or final location to publish the resource

Registering a Dataset (Example)⚓︎

Prerequisite: You should have a running STAC server. For a quick setup, refer to the Resource Discovery Building Block documentation.

Use the following command to register a STAC Item with the platform:

source ~/.eoepca/state
curl -X POST "https://registration-api.${INGRESS_HOST}/processes/register/execution" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d @- <<EOF
  "inputs": {
    "type": "dataset",
    "source": "",
    "target": "https://resource-catalogue.${INGRESS_HOST}/stac"
  • type: Use "dataset" for STAC EO data.
  • source: A valid STAC Item URL (in this example, hosted on GitHub).
  • target: Your STAC server endpoint where the resource is to be registered.

Validating the Registration⚓︎


You should see a new job with the status COMPLETED. The registered STAC Item will be available via:


(The item ID and collection path will vary based on your input.)

Using the Registration Harvester⚓︎

The Registration Harvester leverages Flowable to automate resource harvesting workflows.

Access the Flowable REST API Swagger UI:


List Deployed Processes

Retrieve a list of deployed processes:

source ~/.eoepca/state

Validating Kubernetes Resources⚓︎

Ensure that all Kubernetes resources are running correctly.

kubectl get pods -n resource-registration

Expected Output:

  • All pods should be in the Running state.
  • No pods should be in CrashLoopBackOff or Error states.


To uninstall the Resource Registration Building Block and clean up associated resources:

helm uninstall registration-api -n resource-registration
helm uninstall registration-harvester-api-engine -n resource-registration
helm uninstall registration-harvester-worker -n resource-registration

kubectl delete namespace resource-registration

Further Reading⚓︎