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Resource Registration Deployment Guide⚓︎

The Resource Registration Building Block supports the ingestion of data and its associated metadata into the platform services, including metadata registration into the Resource Discovery service and data registration into Data Access services for data retrieval and visualisation. This guide provides step-by-step instructions to deploy the Resource Registration BB in your Kubernetes cluster.

Table of Contents⚓︎

  1. Introduction
  2. Components Overview
  3. Prerequisites
  4. Deployment Steps
  5. Validation
  6. Uninstallation
  7. Further Reading
  8. Scripts and Manifests


The Resource Registration Building Block provides support for ingesting resources into the platform so that they can be discovered, accessed, and used collaboratively. These resources include, but are not limited to, datasets, workflows, Jupyter Notebooks, services, web applications, and documentation.

Components Overview⚓︎

The Resource Registration BB comprises the following key components:

  1. Registration API: Provides core resource management services on the local platform, offering an OGC API Processes interface for resource creation, update, and deletion.

  2. Harvester: Implements workflows for harvesting and registering resources from external data sources using the Flowable BPMN platform.

  3. Common Library: A Python library that consolidates functionalities from various upstream packages, used to implement business logic in workflows and resource handling.


Before deploying the Resource Registration Building Block, ensure you have the following:

Component Requirement Documentation Link
Kubernetes Cluster (tested on v1.28) Installation Guide
Helm Version 3.7 or newer Installation Guide
kubectl Configured for cluster access Installation Guide
TLS Certificates Managed via cert-manager or manually TLS Certificate Management Guide
Ingress Controller Properly installed (e.g., NGINX) Installation Guide

Clone the Deployment Guide Repository:

git clone -b 2.0-alpha
cd deployment-guide/scripts/resource-registration

Validate your environment:

Run the validation script to ensure all prerequisites are met:


Deployment Steps⚓︎

1. Run the Configuration Script⚓︎

The configuration script will prompt you for necessary configuration values, generate configuration files, and prepare for deployment.


Configuration Parameters

During the script execution, you will be prompted to provide:

  • INGRESS_HOST: Base domain for ingress hosts.
  • Example:
  • CLUSTER_ISSUER: Cert-Manager ClusterIssuer for TLS certificates.
  • Example: letsencrypt-prod
  • FLOWABLE_ADMIN_USER: Admin username for Flowable.
  • Default: eoepca
  • FLOWABLE_ADMIN_PASSWORD: Admin password for Flowable.
  • Default: eoepca

Important Notes:

  • If you choose not to use cert-manager, you will need to create the TLS secrets manually before deploying.
  • The required TLS secret names are:
    • registration-api-tls-secret
  • For instructions on creating TLS secrets manually, please refer to the Manual TLS Certificate Management section in the TLS Certificate Management Guide.

2. Apply Kubernetes Secrets⚓︎

Run the script to create the necessary Kubernetes secrets.


Secrets Created:

  • flowable-admin-credentials: Contains Flowable admin username and password.

3. Deploy the Registration API Using Helm⚓︎

Add the EOEPCA+Helm repository and deploy the Registration API using the generated values file.

helm repo add eoepca-helm
helm repo update

helm install registration-api eoepca-helm/registration-api \
  --version 2.0.0-beta1 \
  --namespace rm \
  --create-namespace \
  --values registration-api/generated-values.yaml

4. Deploy the Registration Harvester Using Helm⚓︎

Deploy Flowable Engine:

helm repo add flowable

helm repo update

helm install registration-harvester-api-engine flowable/flowable \
  --version 7.0.0 \
  --namespace registration-harvester-api \
  --create-namespace \
  --values registration-harvester/generated-values.yaml

Deploy Registration Harvester Worker:

helm install registration-harvester-worker eoepca-helm/registration-harvester \
  --version 2.0.0-beta1 \
  --namespace registration-harvester-api \
  --values registration-harvester/generated-values.yaml

6. Monitor the Deployment⚓︎

Check the status of the deployments:

kubectl get all -n rm
kubectl get all -n registration-harvester-api

7. Access the Registration Services⚓︎

Once the deployment is complete, you can access the services:

  • Registration API: http://registration-api.<your-domain>/
  • Registration Harvester API: http://registration-harvester-api.<your-domain>/


Automated Validation:


Further Validation:

  1. Check Kubernetes Resources:
kubectl get all -n rm
kubectl get all -n registration-harvester-api
  1. Access Registration API:

Open a web browser and navigate to: http://registration-api.${INGRESS_HOST}/

  1. Access Flowable UI:

Open a web browser and navigate to: http://registration-harvester-api.${INGRESS_HOST}/flowable-ui/

  1. Test Resource Registration Functionality:

Verify that the Registration API services are operational by performing test actions through the APIs.


To uninstall the Resource Registration Building Block and clean up associated resources:

helm uninstall registration-api -n rm
helm uninstall registration-api-protection -n rm
helm uninstall registration-harvester-api-engine -n registration-harvester-api
helm uninstall registration-harvester-worker -n registration-harvester-api

kubectl delete namespace rm
kubectl delete namespace registration-harvester-api

Further Reading⚓︎