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The Workspace provides protected user resource management that includes dedicated storage and services for resource discovery and access.

Workspace API⚓︎

The Workspace API provides a REST service through which user workspaces can be created, interrogated, managed and deleted.

Helm Chart⚓︎

The Workspace API is deployed via the rm-workspace-api helm chart from the EOEPCA Helm Chart Repository.

The chart is configured via values that are fully documented in the README for the um-workspace-api chart.

helm install --version 1.4.2 --values workspace-api-values.yaml \
  --repo \
  workspace-api rm-workspace-api


At minimum, values for the following attributes should be specified:

  • The fully-qualified public URL for the service
  • (optional) Specification of Ingress for reverse-proxy access to the service
    Note that this is only required in the case that the Workspace API will not be protected by the identity-gatekeeper component - ref. Resource Protection. Otherwise the ingress will be handled by the identity-gatekeeper - use ingress.enabled: false.
  • Prefix for user projects in OpenStack
  • Details for underlying S3 object storage service
  • Identification of secret that provides the client credentials for resource protection
  • Whether flux components should be installed - otherwise they must already be present - Flux Dependency
  • Name of the ConfigMap for user workspace templates - See User Workspace Templates

Example workspace-api-values.yaml

fullnameOverride: workspace-api
  enabled: true
  annotations: letsencrypt-production nginx "true" "600"
    - host:
      paths: ["/"]
    - hosts:
      secretName: workspace-api-open-tls
  enabled: true
prefixForName: "ws"
workspaceSecretName: "bucket"
namespaceForBucketResource: "rm"
s3Endpoint: ""
s3Region: "RegionOne"
harborUrl: ""
harborUsername: "admin"
harborPasswordSecretName: "harbor"
workspaceChartsConfigMap: "workspace-charts"
bucketEndpointUrl: "http://minio-bucket-api:8080/bucket"
  enabled: true
  keycloakUrl: ""
  realm: "master"
  identityApiUrl: ""
  workspaceApiIamClientId: "workspace-api"
  defaultIamClientSecret: "changeme"


  • The Workspace API assumes a deployment of the Harbor Container Regsitry, as configured by the harborXXX values above.
    See section Container Registry.
  • The password for the harbor admin user must be created as described in the section Harbor admin Password.
  • The keycloakIntegration allows the Workspace API to apply protecion (for the specified workspace owner) to the services within newly created workspaces.
  • The workspace-api initiates the creation of a storage ‘bucket’ for each workspace - the actual bucket creation being abstracted via a webhook - the URL of which is specified in the value bucketEndpointUrl.
    See section Bucket Creation Webhook for details.

Harbor admin Password⚓︎

The password for the harbor admin user is provided to the workspace-api via the specified secret - defined as harbor above.

This secret must be created - for example as follows…

kubectl -n rm create secret generic harbor \

Flux Dependency⚓︎

Workspaces are created by instantiating the rm-user-workspace helm chart for each user/group. The Workspace API uses Flux CD as a helper to manage these subordinate helm charts - via flux resources of type HelmRelease. Thus, it is necessary to deploy within the cluster the aspects of flux that support this helm chart management - namely the flux helm-controller, source-controller and the Kubernetes Custom Resource Definitions (CRD) for HelmRelease and HelmRepository.

In case you are not already using flux within your clsuter, then the Workspace API helm chart can be configured to deploy the required flux components…

  enabled: true  # true = install flux for me, false = I already have flux

User Workspace Templates⚓︎

The Workspace API instantiates for each user a set of services, including a Resource Catalogue and Data Access services. These user services are instantiated via helm using templates. The templates are provided to the Workspace API in a ConfigMap that is, by default, named workspace-charts. Each file in the config-map is expected to be of kind HelmRelease. During creation of a new workspace, the Worksapce API applies each file to the cluster in the namespace of the newly created namespace.

The default ConfigMap that is included with this guide contains the following templates for instantiation of user-specific components:

  • Data Access: template-hr-data-access.yaml
  • Resource Catalogue: template-hr-resource-catalogue.yaml
  • Protection: template-hr-resource-protection.yaml

Each of these templates is expressed as a flux HelmRelease object that describes the helm chart and values required to deploy the service.

In addition, ConfigMap templates are included that provide specific details required to access the user-scoped workspace resources, including access to S3 object storage and container registry:

  • S3 client configuration: template-cm-aws-config.yaml
  • S3 client credentials: template-cm-aws-credentials.yaml
  • Container registry configuration: template-cm-docker-config.yaml

These ConfigMaps are designed to be mounted as files into the runtime environments of other components for user workspace integration. In particular the Application Hub makes use of this approach to provide a user experience that integrates with the user’s workspace resources.

Templates ConfigMap⚓︎

The templates are provided to the Workspace API as a ConfigMap in the namespace of the Workspace API deployment…

(for full examples see

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: workspace-charts
  template-hr-resource-catalogue.yaml: |
    kind: HelmRelease
      name: rm-resource-catalogue
      interval: 5m
          chart: rm-resource-catalogue
          version: 1.3.1
            kind: HelmRepository
            name: eoepca
            namespace: rm
  template-hr-data-access.yaml: |
    kind: HelmRelease
      name: vs
      interval: 5m
          chart: data-access
          version: 1.3.1
            kind: HelmRepository
            name: eoepca
            namespace: rm
  template-hr-resource-protection.yaml: |
    kind: HelmRelease
      name: resource-protection
      interval: 5m
          chart: identity-gatekeeper
          version: 1.0.12
            kind: HelmRepository
            name: eoepca
            namespace: ${NAMESPACE}
  template-cm-aws-config.yaml: |
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ConfigMap
      name: aws-config
      aws-config: |
        region = {{ s3_region }}
        s3 =
          endpoint_url = {{ s3_endpoint_url }}
        s3api =
          endpoint_url = {{ s3_endpoint_url }}
        endpoint = awscli_plugin_endpoint
  template-cm-aws-credentials.yaml: |
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ConfigMap
      name: aws-credentials
      aws-credentials: |
        aws_access_key_id = {{ access_key_id }}
        aws_secret_access_key = {{ secret_access_key }}
  template-cm-docker-config.yaml: |
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ConfigMap
      name: docker-config
      docker-config: |
          "auths": {
            "{{ container_registry_host }}": {
              "auth": "{{ container_registry_credentials }}"

Notice the use of workspace template parameters {{ param_name }} that are used at workspace creation time to contextualise the workspace for the owning user. See section Workspace Template Parameters for more information.

HelmRepositories for Templates⚓︎

As can be seen above, the HelmRelease templates rely upon objects of type HelmRepository that define the hosting helm chart repository. Thus, in support of the workspace templates, appropriate HelmRepository objects must be provisioned within the cluster. For example, in support of the above examples that rely upon the EOEPCA Helm Chart Repository

kind: HelmRepository
  name: eoepca
  namespace: rm
  interval: 2m

Workspace Template Parameters⚓︎

The Workspace API uses the jinja2 templating engine when applying the resources for a user workspace. The current parameters are currently supported:

  • workspace_name
    The name of the workspace - {{ workspace_name }} used to ensure unique naming of cluster resources, such as service ingress
  • default_owner
    The uuid of the owner of the workspace - {{ default_owner }} used to initialise the workspace protection
  • S3 Object Storage details…
    • {{ s3_endpoint_url }}
    • {{ s3_region }}
    • {{ access_key_id }}
    • {{ secret_access_key }}
  • Container Registry details…
    • {{ container_registry_host }}
    • {{ container_registry_credentials }}


As described in section Resource Protection (Keycloak), the identity-gatekeeper component can be inserted into the request path of the workspace-api service to provide access authorization decisions


Gatekeeper is deployed using its helm chart…

helm install workspace-api-protection identity-gatekeeper -f workspace-api-protection-values.yaml \
  --repo \
  --namespace "rm" --create-namespace \
  --version 1.0.12

The identity-gatekeeper must be configured with the values applicable to the workspace-api - in particular the specific ingress requirements for the workspace-api backend service…

Example workspace-api-protection-values.yaml

fullnameOverride: workspace-api-protection
  client-id: workspace-api
  name: workspace-api
    number: 8080
  # Values for secret 'workspace-api-protection'
  # Note - if ommitted, these can instead be set by creating the secret independently.
  clientSecret: "changeme"
  encryptionKey: "changemechangeme"
  enabled: true
  className: nginx
  annotations: "true" "true" letsencrypt-production
  # Open access to swagger docs etc.
    - ^/(docs.*|openapi.json|probe.*)

Keycloak Client⚓︎

The Gatekeeper instance relies upon an associated client configured within Keycloak - ref. client-id: workspace-api above.

This can be created with the create-client helper script, as descirbed in section Client Registration.

For example, with path protection for the admin user…

../bin/create-client \
  -a \
  -i \
  -r "master" \
  -u "admin" \
  -p "changeme" \
  -c "admin-cli" \
  --id="workspace-api" \
  --name="Workspace API Gatekeeper" \
  --secret="changeme" \
  --description="Client to be used by Workspace API Gatekeeper" \
  --resource="admin" --uris='/*' --scopes=view --users="admin"

Workspace API Usage⚓︎

The Workspace API provides a REST interface that is accessed at the endpoint
See the Swagger Docs - /docs.


If the Workspace API has been protected (via Gatekeeper with Keycloak), then requests must be supported by an access_token carried in the HTTP header Authorozation: Bearer <token>. This diminishes the utility of the swagger UI.

Additional Information⚓︎

Additional information regarding the Workspace API can be found at:

Bucket Creation Webhook⚓︎

With helm chart version 1.3.1 of the workspace-api the approach to bucket creation has been re-architected to use a webhook approach.


During workspace creation the workspace-api needs to create an object storage bucket for the user. The method by which the bucket is created is a function of the hosting infrastructure object storage layer - i.e. there is no ‘common’ approach for the workspace-api to perform the bucket creation.

In order to allow this bucket creation step to be customised by the platform integrator, the workspace-api is configured with a webhook endpoint that is invoked to effect the bucket creation on behalf of the workspace-api.

The workspace-api is configured by the following value in its helm chart deployment, e.g…

bucketEndpointUrl: "http://my-bucket-webhook:8080/bucket"

The webhook service must implement the following REST interface…

method: POST
content-type: application/json

  bucketName: str
  secretName: str
  secretNamespace: str

There are two possible approaches to implement this request, distinguished by the response code…

  • 200
    The bucket is created and the credentials are included in the response body.
    In this case only the supplied bucketName is relevant to fulfil the request.
  • 201
    The bucket will be created (asychronously) and the outcome is provided by the webhook via a Kubernetes secret, as per the secretName and secretNamespace request parameters

200 Response

In case 200 response, the response body should communicate the credentials with an application/json content-type in the form…

    "bucketname": "...",
    "access_key": "...",
    "access_secret": "....",
    "projectid": "...",

In this case the workspace-api will create the appropriate bucket secret using the returned credentials.

201 Response

In case 201 response, the secret should be created in the form…

  bucketname: "..."
  access: "..."
  secret: "..."
  projectid: "..."

In this case the workspace-api will wait for the (asynchronous) creation of the specified secret before continuing with the workspace creation.

Overall Outcome

In both cases the ultimate outcome is the creation of the bucket in the back-end object storage, and the creation of a Kubernetes secret that maintains the credentials for access to the bucket. The existence of the bucket secret is prerequisite to the continuation of the user workspace creation.

Minio Bucket API (Webhook)⚓︎

The Minio Bucket API provides an implementation of a Bucket Creation Webhook for a Minio S3 Object Storage backend. This is used as the default in this guide - but should be replaced for a production deployment with an appropriate webhook to integrate with the object storage solution of the deployment environment.

Helm Chart⚓︎

The Minio Bucket API is deployed via the rm-minio-bucket-api helm chart from the EOEPCA Helm Chart Repository - ref. Helm Chart for the Minio Bucket API.

helm install --version 0.0.4 --values minio-bucket-api-values.yaml \
  --repo \
  rm-minio-bucket-api rm-minio-bucket-api


At minimum, values for the following attributes should be specified:

  • The URL for the Minio endpoint - minIOServerEndpoint
  • The credentials for admin access to Minio - via the specified secret accessCredentials.secretName (ref. Minio Credentials Secret)

Example minio-bucket-api-values.yaml

fullnameOverride: minio-bucket-api
  secretName: minio-auth

Additional Information⚓︎

Additional information regarding the Minio Bucket API can be found at: