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Scripted Example Deployment⚓︎

As a companion to the Deployment Guide descriptions, we have developed a set of scripts to provide a demonstration of an example deployment, in the subdirectory deployment-guide/local-deploy of the source repository for this guide…

git clone \
&& cd deployment-guide \
&& ls local-deploy

The script local-deploy/eoepca/ acts as an entry-point to the full system deployment. In order to tailor the deployment for your target environment, the script is configured through environment variables and command-line arguments. By default the script assumes deployment to a local minikube.

Based upon our development experiences on CREODIAS, there is a wrapper script creodias with particular customisations suited to the CREODIAS infrastructure and data offering.

The following subsections lead through the steps for a full local deployment. Whilst minikube is assumed, minimal adaptions are required to make the deployment to your existing Kubernetes cluster.

The deployment follows these broad steps:

  • Configuration
    Tailoring of deployment options.
  • Deployment
    Creation of cluster and deployment of eoepca services.
  • Protection
    Application of protection for authorized access to services.

The Protection step is split from Deployment as there are some manual steps to be performed before the Protection can be applied.


The script local-deploy/eoepca/ is configured by some environment variables and command-line arguments.

Environment Variables⚓︎

Variable Description Default
USE_MINIKUBE_NONE_DRIVER Force use of the minikube ‘none’ driver.
The ‘none’ driver has been found to be useful to more easily expose the kubernetes cluster for external access, e.g. via ingress-controller. This, in turn, facilitates the use of letsencrypt to establish TLS certificates.
MINIKUBE_KUBERNETES_VERSION The Kubernetes version to be used by minikube
Note that the EOEPCA development has been conducted primarily using version 1.22.5.
MINIKUBE_MEMORY_AMOUNT Amount of memory to allocate to the docker containers used by minikube to implement the cluster. 12g
USE_METALLB Enable use of minikube’s built-in load-balancer.
The load-balancer can be used to facilitate exposing services publicly. However, the same can be achieved using minikube’s built-in ingress-controller. Therefore, this option is suppressed by default.
USE_INGRESS_NGINX_HELM Install the ingress-nginx controller using the published helm chart, rather than relying upon the version that is built-in to minikube. By default we prefer the version that is built in to minikube. false
USE_INGRESS_NGINX_LOADBALANCER Patch the built-in minikube nginx-ingress-controller to offer a service of type LoadBalancer, rather than the default NodePort. It was initially thought that this would be necessary to achieve public access to the ingress services - but was subsequently found that the default NodePort configuration of the ingress-controller was sufficient. This option is left in case it proves useful.
Only applicable for USE_INGRESS_NGINX_HELM=false (i.e. when using the minikube built-in )
USE_TLS Indicates whether TLS will be configured for service Ingress rules.
If not (i.e. USE_TLS=false), then the ingress-controller is configured to disable ssl-redirect, and TLS_CLUSTER_ISSUER=notls is set.
TLS_CLUSTER_ISSUER The name of the ClusterIssuer to satisfy ingress tls certificates.
Out-of-the-box ClusterIssuer instances are configured in the file local-deploy/cluster/
LOGIN_SERVICE_ADMIN_PASSWORD Initial password for the admin user in the login-service. changeme
MINIO_ROOT_USER Name of the ‘root’ user for the Minio object storage service. eoepca
MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD Password for the ‘root’ user for the Minio object storage service. changeme
HARBOR_ADMIN_PASSWORD Password for the ‘admin’ user for the Harbor artefact registry service. changeme
CREODIAS_DATA_SPECIFICATION Apply the data specification to harvest from the CREODIAS data offering into the resource-catalogue and data-access services.
Can only be used when running in the CREODIAS (Cloudferro) cloud, with access to the eodata network.

Openstack Configuration⚓︎

There are some additional environment variables that configure the BucketOperator with details of the infrastructure Openstack layer.

NOTE that this is only applicable for an Openstack deployment and has only been tested on the CREODIAS.

Variable Description Default
OS_DOMAINNAME Openstack domain of the admin account in the cloud provider. cloud_XXXXX
OS_USERNAME Openstack username of the admin account in the cloud provider.
OS_PASSWORD Openstack password of the admin account in the cloud provider. none
OS_MEMBERROLEID ID of a specific role (e.g. the ‘member‘ role) for operations users (to allow administration), e.g. 7fe2ff9ee5384b1894a90838d3e92bab. none
OS_SERVICEPROJECTID ID of a project containing the user identity requiring write access to the created user buckets, e.g. 573916ef342a4bf1aea807d0c6058c1e. none
USER_EMAIL_PATTERN Email associated to the created user within the created user project.
Note: <name> is templated and will be replaced.

Command-line Arguments⚓︎

The script is further configured via command-line arguments…

Usage: <action> <cluster-name> <public-ip> <domain>
Argument Description Default
action Action to perform: apply | delete | template.
apply makes the deployment
delete removes the deployment
template outputs generated kubernetes yaml to stdout
cluster-name The name of the minikube ‘profile’ for the created minikube cluster.
Note that this option is ignored if USE_MINIKUBE_NONE_DRIVER=true as the ‘none’ driver does not support multiple profiles.
public-ip The public IP address through which the deployment is exposed via the ingress-controller.
By default, the value is deduced from the assigned cluster minikube IP address - ref. command minikube ip.
domain The DNS domain name through which the deployment is accessed. Forms the stem for all service hostnames in the ingress rules - i.e. <service-name>.<domain>.
By default, the value is deduced from the assigned cluster minikube IP address, using to establish a DNS lookup - i.e. <minikube ip>
<minikube ip>


The deployment is initiated by setting the appropriate environment variables and invoking the script with suitable command-line arguments. You may find it convenient to do so using a wrapper script that customises the environment varaibles according to your cluster, and then invokes the script.

An example of this approach can be found in the script creodias that is supported by script creodias-options - used for deployment within a CREODIAS cloud. See section Custom CREODIAS below for more details.

NOTE that if a prior deployment has been attempted then, before redeploying, a clean-up should be performed as described in the Clean-up section below. This is particularly important in the case that the minikube ‘none’ driver is used, as the persistence is maintained on the host and so is not naturally removed when the minikube cluster is destroyed.

Initiate the deployment…

./local-deploy/eoepca/ apply "<cluster-name>" "<public-ip>" "<domain>"

The deployment takes 10+ minutes - depending on the resources of your host/cluster. The progress can be monitored…

kubectl get pods -A

The deployment is ready once all pods are either Running or Completed. This can be further confirmed by accessing the login-service web interface at https://auth.<domain>/ and logging in as user admin using the credentials configured via LOGIN_SERVICE_ADMIN_PASSWORD.


The protection of resource server endpoints is applied with the script local-deploy/eoepca/ This script should be executed with environment variables and command-line options that are consistent with those of the main deployment (ref. script

The script introduces two users eric and bob to demonstrate the application of authorized access to various service endpoints: ADES, Workspace API and dummy-service (simple endpoint used for debugging).

Thus, the users must first be created in the login-service and their unique IDs passed to the protection script.

Usage: <action> <eric-id> <bob-id> <public-ip> <domain>

Create Test Users⚓︎

Access the login-service web interface (https://auth.<domain>/) as user admin using the credentials configured via LOGIN_SERVICE_ADMIN_PASSWORD.

Select Users -> Add person to add users eric and bob (dummy details can be used). Note the Inum (unique user ID) for each user for use with the script.

Apply Protection⚓︎

Apply the protection…
Ensure that the script is executed with the environment variables and command-line options that are consistent with those of the main deployment.

./local-deploy/eoepca/ apply "<eric-id>" "<bob-id>" "<public-ip>" "<domain>"

Create User Workspaces⚓︎

The protection steps created the test users eric and bob. For completeness we use the Workspace API to create their user workspaces, which hold their personal resources (data, processing results, etc.) within the platform - see Workspace.

Using Workspace Swagger UI⚓︎

The Workspace API provides a Swagger UI that facilitates interaction with the API - at the URL https://workspace-api.<domain>/docs#. Access to The Workspace API is protected, such that the necessary access tokens must be supplied in requests, which is most easily achieved by logging in via the ‘portal’.

The portal is accessed at https://portal.<domain>/. It is a rudimentary web service that facilitates establishing the appropriate tokens in the user’s browser context. Login to the portal as the admin user, using the configured credentials.

Access the Workspace Swagger UI at https://workspace-api.<domain>/docs. Workspaces are created using POST /workspaces (Create Workspace). Expand the node and select Try it out. Complete the request body, such as…

  "preferred_name": "eric",
  "default_owner": "d95b0c2b-ea74-4b3f-9c6a-85198dec974d"

…where the default_owner is the user ID (Inum) for the user - thus protecting the created workspace for the identified user.

Using curl⚓︎

The same can be achieved with a straight http request, for example using curl

curl -X 'POST' \
  '' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'X-User-Id: <admin-id-token>' \
  -d '{
  "preferred_name": "<workspace-name>",
  "default_owner": "<user-inum>"

Values must be provided for:

  • admin-id-token - User ID token for the admin user
  • workspace-name - name of the workspace, typically the username
  • user-inum - the ID of the user for which the created workspace will be protected

The ID token for the admin user can be obtained with a call to the token endpoint of the Login Service - supplying the credentials for the admin user and the pre-registered client…

curl -L -X POST 'https://auth.<domain>/oxauth/restv1/token' \
  -H 'Cache-Control: no-cache' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
  --data-urlencode 'scope=openid user_name is_operator' \
  --data-urlencode 'grant_type=password' \
  --data-urlencode 'username=admin' \
  --data-urlencode 'password=<admin-password>' \
  --data-urlencode 'client_id=<client-id>' \
  --data-urlencode 'client_secret=<client-secret>'

A json response is returned, in which the field id_token provides the user ID token for the admin user.

Using create-workspace helper script⚓︎

As an aide there is a helper script create-workspace. The script is available in the deployment-guide repository, and can be obtained as follows…

git clone
cd deployment-guide

The create-workspace helper script requires some command-line arguments…

  create-workspace <domain> <user> <user-inum> [<client-id> <client-secret>]

For example…

./local-deploy/bin/create-workspace eric d95b0c2b-ea74-4b3f-9c6a-85198dec974d

The script prompts for the password of the admin user.

By default <client-id> and <client-secret> are read from the client.yaml file that is created by the deployment script, which auto-registers a Login Service client. Thus, these args can be ommited to use the default client credentials.


Based upon our development experiences on CREODIAS, there is a wrapper script creodias with particular customisations suited to the CREODIAS infrastructure and data offering. The customisations are expressed through environment variables (as detailed above) that are captured in the file creodias-options.

With reference to the file creodias-options, particular attention is drawn to the following environment variables that require tailoring to your CREODIAS (Cloudferro) environment…

  • public_ip - The public IP address through which the deployment is exposed via the ingress-controller
  • domain - The DNS domain name through which the deployment is accessed - forming the stem for all service hostnames in the ingress rules
  • OpenStack details: see section Openstack Configuration

Once the file creodias-options has been well populated for your environment, then the deployment is initiated with…


…noting that this step is a customised version of that described in section Deployment.

Similarly the script creodias-protection is a customised version of that described in section Apply Protection. Once the main deployment has completed, then the test users can be created, their IDs (Inum) set in script creodias-protection, and the resource protection can then be applied…


These scripts are examples that can be seen as a starting point, from which they can be adapted to your needs.

Harvest CREODIAS Data⚓︎

The example scripts include optional specifcation of data-access/harvesting configuration that is tailored for the CREODIAS data offering. This is controlled via the option CREODIAS_DATA_SPECIFICATION=true - see Environment Variables. The harvester configuration specifies datasets with spatial/temporal extents, which is configured into the file /config.yaml of the data-access-harvester deployment.

As described in the Data Access section, harvesting according to this configuration can be triggered with…

kubectl -n rm exec -it deployment.apps/data-access-harvester -- python3 -m harvester harvest --config-file /config.yaml --host data-access-redis-master --port 6379 Creodias-Opensearch


Before initiating a fresh deployment, if a prior deployment has been attempted, then it is necessary to remove any persistent artefacts of the prior deployment. This includes…

  1. Minikube cluster
    Delete the minikube cluster…
    minikube delete
    If necessary specify the cluster (profile)…
    minikube -p <profile> delete

  2. Persistent Data
    In the case that the minikube none driver is used, the persistence is maintained on the host and so is not naturally removed when the minikube cluster is destroyed. In this case, the minikube standard StorageClass is fulfilled by the hostpath provisioner, whose persistence is removed as follows…
    sudo rm -rf /tmp/hostpath-provisioner

  3. Client Credentials
    During the deployment a client of the Authorisation Server is registered, and its credentials stored for reuse in the file client.yaml. Once the cluster has been destroyed, then these client credentials become stale and so should be removed to avoid polluting subsequent deployments…
    rm -rf ./local-deploy/eoepca/client.yaml

There is a helper script clean that can be used for steps 2 and 3 above, (the script does not delete the cluster).
